Fire Hydrants and Flow Testing

Rural Fire Electrical & Solar Pty Ltd specialise in servicing and commissioning of Fire Hose Reel, Fire Hydrant and Booster Systems. These systems are an essential safety measure, providing firefighting personnel with an accessible and controlled supply of water for firefighting purposes. For your firefighting system to fulfil its purpose the equipment must be strategically located and designed to provide coverage to your premises. The system must be able to provide specified minimum water flow at all times, be readily accessible to firefighting personnel and compatible with external firefighting appliances.

Maintaining your essential appliances to the highest quality, complaint with all relevant Australian Standards and Building Code of Australia requirements including but not limited to the following;

  • Australian Standards AS 2419
  • Fire Hydrant Installations AS 2941
  • Fixed Fire Protection Installations AS 1221
  • Fire Hose Reels AS 1851

Maintenance of Fire Protection equipment. You can have absolute confidence in Rural Fire Electrical & Solar Pty Ltd's ability to provide and maintain your firefighting system designed to your specific requirements that will exceed expectations when you really need it.


McCrometer M1104 fire hydrant flowmeter

McCrometer M1104 Fire Hydrant Flow Meter

Designed for testing the flow rate of fire hydrants, the M1104 fire hydrant flowmeter also provides totalisation for use in determining collectible revenue for temporary hydrant deliveries. The compact design enables the operator to quickly and easily install the flow meter for instantaneous and accurate flow measurement. The short length design and convenient carrying handle facilitates installation.

Rural Fire Electrical & Solar Pty Ltd uses the M1104 in our flow testing but we are also a reseller of this equipment and pricing is available upon request.


Above: Our McCrometer M1104 Hydrant Flow tester being put through its paces, this flow tester gives us an instant reading of litres per second and static pressure from a single fire hydrant, all our testing equipment have annual calibration certificates to ensure our testing equipment remains current and accurate, Rural Fire Electrical & Solar Pty Ltd is the only local company that is always one step ahead in quality service experience and qualifications.
